Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Worst Neighbor Award Goes To.....

ME!!!!!! I swear I somehow know how to attract the worst neighbors. It all started in a small condo in Colorado (she really was the worse but thats another story because most of you wouldn't believe it anyway), and has now followed me to my sweet little home here. At first our next door neighbor was perfect, a little old man who never got out of bed, but then he died and they sold the house. Then the scum of our town landlady bought the house and could care less who lives in it. First set of neighbors were so quite, but they had two pitbulls, one who would always get off of his chain and run around our yard. They swear he was nice but with two kids who yell and scream a lot I was not taking my chances. And she was always coming over asking for a ride because she missed the bus. Not my cup of tea after the 6th ride at 7 am because her grandma was always about to die and she needed to get to her moms. I finally quit answering the door and turned my music up really loud so I couldn't hear her knocking (a perk to not having a door bell). 

The second set of neighbors were the worse. Always having tons of people over at the wrong time, the place looked like a junk yard, and they decided to curse loudly whenever the kids were outside. I could care less what type of language people use, God knows I have used most of it myself, but seriously when kids are around? They also used our driveway all the time which annoyed me considering their driveway went past the back of their house. Their weirdness included finding a dead deer on the side of the road and bringing it home to eat, letting their dogs breed in the front yard everyday, opening all the doors to their minivan and blasting the music so loud while a battery charger stayed hooked up to make it possible, and letting some friends sleep in a tent in their front yard for about 2 weeks. Finally about 3 weeks ago their power got turned off so everyone stopped coming around and this past sunday they moved out!!!! The Heavens were singing when I got home. So our new neighbors (the homeless ones who live in a tent in front of our little creek in front of our house) decided to go through all the trash they left in the ditch to take "home" with them. 

Today when I got back home they were going through all the stuff the previous people had left in the basement and asked if I wanted a cute floating bassinet. So after paying $10 I put it on my porch so I could clean it and left to go to a small group. On my way home I call the hubbs to chat to find out the old neighbors came back to get their stuff to find it had all be taken by the homeless people (which are somehow related to them),  and they wanted their bassinet back. Grrrr, so I am out of $10. 

Hopefully no one else moves into that house until we move out. I just want normal neighbors. At least at the new place our one set of neighbors are super nice and normal, now we just need the other house to be sold to fun people because they are totally becoming my new best friends with that great pool in the back yard. How are your neighbors?

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