Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Soren Israel

My sweet Soren. He has been such an easy child from the beginning. After 3 hard pushes comes this large (8lbs 10ozs) screaming bundle who gets quiet as soon as they hand him to me and I say hi, he just grabs my finger and looks into my eyes. Wow what a powerful moment and since then he has been pretty quiet and just as easy going. Soren is my little comedian, always trying to make everyone laugh. He calls himself Sorse and absolutely loves his big brother Asher. His big love right now is any type of sport, in fact I can hardly get him dressed in the morning unless his shirt has a ball on it. Every morning he wakes up wanting his milk and peanut butter.

Soren is my little snuggle boy, at any point during the day he will climb up in my lap for a big hug and will just snuggle up to me. He can't stand for anyone else to be in my lap and gets extremely jealous when I hold other babies. He loves his daddy, and is the first to run up to him when he comes home and just throws his arms around his neck. His first word for Steve was appi but later he started calling him daddy. I wish the words could describe how sweet this little boy is, so quick to give hugs to everyone in his family. When you are around him you just feel this gentleness radiate from him, yet he is quick to stand up for himself even at his young age (which is a lot with a big brother like Asher around). He has eyelashes that every women would be so envious of which just makes his face look so much more angelic, especially if he looks sad. He is just learning to talk more and I can't wait until he is chatting my ears off I feel like he will just have so much to say. Here are so of my favorite pictures of this guy.
Look at those wrinkles!
Proud big brother and daddy
He slept like this most of the time
The boys and mimi at the aquarium
only kid i have ever met to fall asleep while eating

loving birthday cake!

at the pumpkin patch

love love love his laugh

his serious face

loves his daddy

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