Wednesday, May 25, 2011


BABY!!! I have absolutely not a clue to what I am having. And I know that was pretty cruel and I apologize, I just have to have a little fun with this. Today was my ultrasound appointment and I was sooo stinking nervous. For some reason I was so completely worried about the health of the baby which has never happened with the other two, so of course I didn't feel like I slept at all last night. The baby is great everything looked good. I told the tech right off that I didn't want to know what I was having and that she could tell my husband. 

So I didn't get to see the baby at first because she wanted to check out the bladder and kidneys first and make sure that was ok. After she did that she typed it on the screen what the sex was (she was very sneaky too because I was listening to her type) showed Steve (who by the way has an incredible poker face) and quickly erased it and started to show me the baby. What a cute profile this little one had, the perfect nose and lips, he/she totally looks like me :) It was also amazing to see all the bones and how perfect they looked, the heart rate was a healthy 153, and I could see the heart and stomach. I will post pictures soon!

After that was over with I got to see the dr who was very nice about my weight gain (ugh a whole other story), and he almost told me what I was having. They werent supposed to put it in my chart and did anyway. So near miss number 1 was averted. 

I really think its funny I have no clue what I am having and some of my friends do. I also feel like most of them are going to avoid me like the black plague so they don't slip up and reveal what it is. I have also totally been trying to read into all of Steve's conversations with me as well so he kind of feels like he cannot talk to me either. So I currently have 22 more weeks before I have friends speaking to me again as well as family members and my husband. I sure will miss everyone. Maybe this baby will be early too :)

Oh yea, the boys also got to go see the baby. Asher was confused on the way there because he thought it wasn't coming until after his birthday. He also told me he could tell it was a boy which was what he didn't want since he already had one named Soren (who is also asking for a girwl). I kind of freaked out for a moment wondering if he could read, but then he said it could be a girl he just couldn't tell. My kids are so funny!

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