Monday, April 25, 2011


I hope everyone had a great Easter! I had a pretty good one myself, got to hear a great message, my dad took us out to my favorite place to eat (I seriously want to eat there everyday now), and we got to do a fun easter egg hunt with the boys.

This was the first year that I actually finished a full Lent without completely giving up on my fast, but I did a little something different this year. I knew being pregnant it would be really difficult to try and give something up considering my wants of food varied each day. I know I have other options of giving up music or TV but that mostly consists of children's stuff anyway and I dont know how much my kids would understand giving that up for 40 whole days, I also dont think my sanity could handle it either. This year I decided to add something into my life, I decided to read the bible every day for the 40 days. And not just read a chapter a day type thing I followed a Lent devotional on my ipod. 

The first few days were great, actually the whole thing was really great but there were times when I was so exhausted at the end of the day it was a struggle to hold my eyes open during those readings. I also had many nights where I was so sick on my stomach that the reading had to be doubled up on the following day which I felt bad about but I felt like God understood. The great thing that happened was I was really starting to understand scripture, which I have never really done before. Here is my big confession, I have never been a huge bible reader before. I mean sure I would try and read a chapter here and there but it usually ended up with me speed reading, not remembering what I had read, and mostly not trying to apply it to my life. But this time I was truly enjoying what I had read and I was reading christian commentaries about the scriptures that I was reading and it was so inspiring. 

This is something that is totally new to me and I am so hooked. I cant wait to start another devotional set and see where it takes me. So I hope your Lent went just as well and that you learned something about yourself too. And if you didnt do a Lent I encourage you to try one next year, see where God can take you. Here are some pictures of the boys from our easter egg hunt. I love these guys they are so cute :)

Can you tell that Soren was super excited about each egg he found? Big brother got most of them but I dont think he noticed.

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