Friday, January 7, 2011


One of my favorite family portraits

As most of you know my mother in law passed away a few days before Christmas. What you guys might not know is how amazing this woman truely was. I met Polly the night I was marrying her youngest son Steve. She greeted me that night with the largest hug and biggest smile you could imagine. I have no clue what thoughts were running through her head when she first saw me, but I knew that she loved me from the beginning. 

I know many mother in laws are very protective over their sons and can be very demanding when it comes to how their grandchildren should be raised, but I never had those problems with Polly. She actually told me quite often how happy she was that I came into Steve's life. She never once questioned how clean I kept my house, what type of food I feed my family, or how I discipline the boys, she just always smiled and had lots of hugs for everyone. She was so great to talk to at anytime, never judgemental or harsh, and had lots of great advice. 

One of her first presents for me was a cook book which I had no clue what to do with it since I didnt cook, but I think she had a 6th sense about me and knew one day I would love to and wouldn't be able to get enough books about food. At first I laughed when I got the book and asked Steve if she was trying to give me a hint that the woman should be at home cooking, he laughed too and said no, and she never made mention of it. When I thanked her for the book she just smiled and said she hoped I would enjoy it, no talk of when was I going to learn to cook thank God :)

Looking back all I can think about when I think of her is how much love poured out of her. I know she had every type of emotion a woman can have but love, happiness, and patience was all that I saw. She also loved her grandkids so much. Whenever we all got to go up and visit at the same time the only place you would find Asher and my nephew were in her lap, and sometimes they would even fight over who got to be there. She could bring giggles out of those kids I don't think I have ever heard anyone else do.

Asher and Cades favorite spot
I miss her very much even though I have known her for such a short time. I think about all the things that she will miss getting to see my kids do, how I won't get to cook for her and show her the cook book and all of my cooking magazines are getting great use out of them. I will also miss her smile and hugs, and just getting to talk to her. I also know that my hurt doesn't compare to my husbands. Whenever Steve has ever told me stories about his mom his eyes shine extra bright. I only hope that I can be the best mom to my kids like she was to hers. And so, I love you Grammy!!!! I hope you can see us from up there :) And try not to wear God out too much running circles around him.  

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