Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Shower Time!

I got to help plan a bridal shower this past week for a dear friend whose wedding I am in.  I was so excited to get to do the decorations and my mind was so full of ideas.  My first stop was to a thrift store called Value Village for some random pieces of china, old candlestick holders, old candy dishes, and some fun glasses to start with my projects.

I love these plates!
I started out piecing the plates together finding fun combinations before gluing them, here is what I came up with.

The bride is from New York but loves everything southern, so my inspiration for this party went from there. After scouring the Internet for days I found enough ideas to have a great party. I wanted to keep it as simple as I could so that the little details made a big difference. I used an old pitcher and a bath salts jar to take the place of vases for the flowers. Old lace curtains with bright color sheets under them became our tablecloths, and old mason jars were our choice for drinking cups.

I wanted to make the jars look cute and personal and I found great printouts on Martha Stewart's wedding website to add a special touch. I glued them on to a doily and used twine around the back to add a little southern flare. I also used Martha's website to get the letter printouts for their banner. I then glued the letters to scrapbook paper and hung it all up on twine with mini clothes pins.

We set up all the food on their bar, and instead of using a tablecloth and trying to fold it up to fit the bar I used my old women's handkercheifs (they are for a quilt I want to make) and placed a different color under each plate. We had lots of great southern food which included fried macaroni and pimento cheese bites, chicken salad sandwiches, mini ham and cheese sandwiches, a cheese platter, veggies, fruits, enchilda dip, buffalo dip, and all the desserts you can imagine. For our drinks we offered sweet tea and a fun party punch.

The groom to be.

We had a great time planning, decorating, eating, and celebrating with the bride-to-be. This is going to be one wedding I won't forget, even if I am as big as a house in a bride's maid dress.

The bride to be and all of her presents!